Three Options for Fall Treatment of Varroa Mites

Varroa mites are  known as ” Varroa destructor ” . Varroa mites are the most devastating parasites affecting the population of honey bees and its colonies. Varroa mites are a universal threat to the survival of the beehives. The parasite was first detected in North Carolina, USA in the year 1990. Mostly all honeybee colonies in the wild have been wiped out by these dangerous pests. The Varroa mites are external parasites which attack both adult bees and the developing honey larvae.

So various treatments are done just after the fall season to keep the level of varroa mites in check during the winter season. The treatment for Varroa mites depends on various factors such as the temperature, brood, population and the honey flow.

Treatment of Varroa Mites

Treatment of Varroa Mites

Apistan Strips

The Apistan Strips was the first commercially available product to control mite and its deadly effects. The active ingredient in the strip is 10% Tau- Fluvalinate.  The varroa mites come in contact with the strips and then the active ingredient is released to control the mites.

The strips are very easy and convenient to apply. It has a four step application. Tau- Fluvalinate is released at a constant controlled rate. The varroa mites are targetted as they emerge out of their brood cells. The strip lowers the toxicity rates among the bees.

The Recommended Dosage – 1 strip for every five frames.


Apigaurd is one of the treatment to control or stop the growth of varroa mites. It is an extremely natural product which provides best quality treatment. Apiguard is a sophiscated, patented slow release gel that ensures correct dosage of its active ingredient, thymol.

Thymol is a natural occuring substance derived from the plant thyme. The Apiguard has no harmful side effect on the honeybee colonies and neither on the brood nor the adult bees. It is very easy to apply and possess no risk to the beekeeper. It is ideal in Integrated Pest Management ( IPM ) . The gel works best in temperature above 15 degree celcius.

Once the apiguard gell is placed, the vapour from the gel evaporates. The release from the gel does not disturb the bees unduly.

The Recommended Dosage – Two treatments of one foil pack every two weeks.

Mite Away Quick Strips ( MAQS )

MAQS is a gel strip for the treatment and control of varroa mites. The active ingredient in strips is Formic Acid. The strips are placed on the lower brood chamber to treat the brood rearing zone of the hive.

The Mite Away Quick Strips treatment is different from the other methods because it targets the varroa mites where it reproduces under the brood cap. It is by far the easiest way to control the growth of mites.

The strips release the Formic Acid in the hive. Honey bees in the hive then distribute the vapour which then penetrate the brood cap. The MAQS strips are environmental friendly because it leaves behind no residue at all.

The Recommended Dosage – One Strip in the brood box for 10 days.

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